Just a couple things to remember:: No cars are allowed in the show. This is a vintage bike event and we are not set up to have cars...even if its old it will not be allowed to park on the show grounds. You can drive it there but will need to park it in the car parking areas.The show opens at (( 10 am )) for everyone except the vendors and the invited builders.We have sent all of you emails about the set up days and times.If you did not get something please contact us asap. We will have Santiago road and the turn off for Oak Canyon clearly marked with big yellow signs ..so look for them. We have a limited number of Posters/w tickets left so get some as soon as you get inside. We are going to do awards about 3:30 and the drawing right after. any questions please email me @ mike@bornfreeshow.com or grant@bornfreeshow.com
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