This Saturday at the Born-Free/LoserMachine Party @ The Garage Company you can win this painted tank and fender set. Harpoon donated many hours of his time( still working on them) and all the materials for us to give it away at the event. You still can buy online until Friday 3/22 and at the event. Buy 2 BF Promo posters w/ tickets and you are entered. We will give this handsome pair away live on Saturday 3/23 about 6 pm. You do not need to be present to win this Set!! Your stubs will go back in the running for the bike promo at Born-Free...but please remember you must be present to win a bike @ BF5. Huge thanks to Harpoon ,Lowbrow,Loser Machine,The Garage Company and the other sponsors for helping with this event. These events are costly and take a lot of work and support to do them right and make them totally free to attend... so again Thank You to all involved.
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