With less than 5 months to go we are in high gear getting things going...The T shirt contest is over and we annouce the winner on Monday Night! We have been invited by Michael Lichter & the Buffalo Chip to Sturgis this summer. Click on the " Come Together " Icon on the right side of the blog for more details.This will be very special and a very big honor.We will have more details on Sturgis soon. The builders are set and what they are building will be announced this weekend. To the potential vendors out there...we are working on first come first served...so if you want a spot get one now.We are working on getting a portable cell tower for the show site,so credit cards and cell phones can be used. The bikes for the promotions should be done soon and we really need the support on the poster sales to help pay for the show. Tyler @ Lowbrow is handling online sales and when u buy online u get a nice package of stickers,catalogs & free swag.We also have them for sale@ The Garage Company,The Cycle Lodge,Classic Cycles in Orange...and soon TriCo & Dixie.Your purchase of the poster w/ free entry ticket gives you the chance to win 1 or both 1969 Shovel heads and your donation helps keep the show free and going in the right direction. We thank you all for the overwhelming support. We also have a huge announcement coming...
Nice..had a blast riding from Minneapolis to BF3 on my knuck last year, unfortunately can't do it this year..congrats on the Lichter show.