We are starting a new promotion today and here it is. 5 very special painters will paint 5 different tanks donated by Low Brow Customs for Born-Free & Headline Sponsor Vans. The tanks will on display at the Vans compound at Born-Free on June 30th. We will have a spectator vote and the winning tank will go to Vans for their Promotional use.The remaining 4 tanks will be given away to YOU !!! Yes you, right after the bike drawings at the show...!! This is what you need to know:: If you have already bought a Born-Free 4 Shovel poster w/ free ticket for the bikes you are automatically entered.If you have not bought one yet you better we may sell out before the show... That's it... very simple. The painters will be announced in a few days and we will have some updates soon. These guys are donating their time to do this for the good of the show and we are so grateful and we really appreciate people who want to get involved and do something special.Buy your poster w/ free ticket now to get a chance to win the bikes and these tanks. Visit http://www.lowbrowcustoms.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=140 for your chance.
Cool, I'll be able to switch the look of the shovel that I win.