Tyler Malinky's Born Free 4 dual engine builder bike :: I have been working on this bike non-stop the last six weeks, and it has caused me to empathize with people who have chosen the life of the recluse, leaving behind friends and family for a sole pursuit. I am not there myself, but I am looking through the keyhole and I feel as though I have come to some sort of understanding about that sort of thing though I rather wouldn't. But I digress; it has been a couple months since I updated photos of the build, which has since changed names from Milwaukee Murderer to Double Vision.Special sprockets. This here is what joins the power of the motors by linking the crankshafts.Oil tank in progress. Made a wood buck out of MDF and hammered annealed 5003 aluminum to make the face and dished back. Thanks to Jay Roche @ Special 79 for some tech posts on his blog which helped me out. This tank consumed at least 3 full days of my life, and I mean full days, but it is the nicest thing I have ever made.Sometimes simple things are the best, I really like the way these fender mounts turned out.This primary guard involved a really large MDF buck and plenty of time. I feel as though I welded miles of aluminum building this bike. Turned down a circle of MDF in my lathe, routed the edge over and hammered the dish over the clutch basket area. 1/2" strip welded to that to bring it out a bit more, and the face and sides all welded up while clamped to the wood buck to keep it in shape. Mounts to 9/16" stainless round bar that is welded to the stainless motor plates. Should be up to tech for Bonneville in August.More aluminum, chain guard and number plates. This was a little while ago and was about the end of the major fab work. I subsequently tore the bike down to the bare frame and finish welded everything. More pics to come soon... ?-- http://www.lowbrowcustoms.com/
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