Hey folks we have had a hell of a year promoting Born-Free. We are 1 month away from the show and getting all the loose ends tied up. The Online Sales (Poster/w Free Ticket) for the Builder Bike giveaway promo through Lowbrow Customs will end on June 20th 2013 !!
June 20th will be the last day you will be able to buy Online through Lowbrow Customs! The only way to buy a BF 5 Poster/w free Ticket that enters you to win One of the 18 Builder Bikes after June 20th is through one of the select stores in the So. Cal area or at Born-Free 5( day of the show). We could completely sell out before the show and if we do that is it!! We will not print more. This is a very special promo and the guys involved are doing something never been done before. Building a full custom bike just for BF5 for one of you to take home!! its's yours..you own it!! ..The effort and quality of work these guys are doing is mind blowing! So do yourself a favor before its too late and get one now... CLICK HERE!!!
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