Invited builder Larry Pierce out in Alabama has been slaving away on his Harley big twin flathead chopper! Things are shaping up and don't forget you can choose this bike to take home if your lucky number is drawn either Saturday or Sunday at Born-Free 6!! Click HERE to get your BF6 posters/ticket combos to win. Follow Larry on instagram HERE and his blog HERE
From Larry about the build so far:
The frame is done. It's an all stainless loop tail frame with 7/8 tubing and 1 1/4 tubing for the backbone. It's 3 inches shorter than stock with 26 degree rake. I was gonna polish it but going with paint now. I've got the tanks mounted, I narrowed stock panhead tanks and offset them. I've still got to make gas caps and I am trying to decide if I am gonna run a dash. Buchanan's built and polished the wheels. They are shouldered Morad rims laced up to Timken baring hubs. I am aiming to have the oil tank and fender done by end of this week and the whole bike torn down and shipped to chrome and paint by March 10th so I can finish the motor. Hopefully it all goes according to plan....but we will see.
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